UNSPMF (Serbia)
• Official name in English: University of Novi Sad Faculty of Sciences
• Official short name (acronym) in English: UNSPMF
• Legal Representative and authorized signatory: Prof. Milica Pavkov Hrvojevic, Dean
The University of Novi Sad Faculty of Sciences was founded in 1969 and has been the country’s strong base of science and teaching ever since. It is a public, governmental, and non-for-profit institution, fully committed to education, teaching and research. Faculty of Sciences is comprised of five departments which conduct teaching and research in a wide range of fields: chemistry, biochemistry, environmental protection, biology, ecology, physics, astronomy, computer science, mathematics, geography, and tourism. The departments serve as unique inter-disciplinary hubs, which facilitate optimal use of modern teaching and scientific equipment. Committed and competent staff across the departments, make the UNSPMF recognised for its excellence, responsible research and commitment to social engagement, science promotion and creating educated and open-minded young experts.
The Faculty employs 615 staff and educates around 6000 students. The Faculty’s mission is to create the state-of-the-art knowledge through education and research, to safeguard research integrity, to facilitate career development of its staff, and to attract external funding to achieve full integration into the European Research and Higher Education Area. The Faculty developed the internal strategy on enhancing the educational and research processes, quality assurance mechanisms, internationalization, which heavily rely on capacity building, interactive networking, international scientific projects, academic mobility at all levels, and visibility on a global scale. The Faculty is strategically oriented to the EU and other available external funding which serve to unlock its potential and fully employ its excellence (Horizon Europe; IPA Interreg Cross-border and Transnational Cooperation Programs; Erasmus Plus; bilateral collaboration). The goal is to internationalize education and research, boost human resources and capacity building, and increase the overall institutional excellence. UNSPMF has been acknowledged and recognized by the European Commission’s Innovation Radar as an innovator in the category of ADMM Machine Learning Algorithms, which is market ready, and is the result of the Horizon 2020 project called I-BiDaaS.
As a member faculty of the University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Sciences is committed to principles of The European Charter for Researchers and Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers, which states the institutional commitment to providing the best supporting working conditions and services to researchers who wish to pursue research careers in Serbia.
Overview of the international projects at UNSPMF is available on: https://www.pmf.uns.ac.rs/en/research/projects/
Key people
Prof. dr. Jelica Simeunović: jelica.simeunovic@dbe.uns.ac.rs
Gordana Vlahović: gordanav@uns.ac.rs
Contact person
Prof. dr. Jelica Simeunović: jelica.simeunovic@dbe.uns.ac.rs