On March 28, 2020, IPANEMA organized the first Scientific online lecture (SOL1) for the project’s partners. dr Ryo Kubota, a molecular biologist from Diagenetix - a member of the IPANEMA consortium, was presenting his scientific expertise in designing Loop-mediated isothermal AMPlification (LAMP) and Assimilating Probes.
On April 10, 2020, 2nd IPANEMA Scientific Online Lecture was held. The lecture was about the Paper-Based Detection of Campylobacter spp. and it was prepared by our consortium members from INRAE: dr Jasmina Vidic, Priya Vizzini, and Marco Marin. Through this lecture, our researchers became more aware of possible experimental issues, but also discussed potential solutions to these problems for our project.
On May 12, 2020, the third Scientific Online Lecture of the IPANEMA project was organized. The lecture has been given by INESC MN’s Researchers: Verónica Romão, Sofia Martins , Sara Viveiros, and Débora Albuquerque. Through this lecture, our researchers were able to get acquainted with the Molecular diagnostics based on DNA amplification and magnetic sensor arrays.
On June 24th, 2020, IPANEMA organized the fourth Scientific online lecture (SOL4), with the title: "On-site plant pathogen detection methods and introduction to microfluidics".
The lesson was held by Dr. Cor Schoen from Wageningen University & Research, who brought us closer to different possible approaches for pathogen detection on the field.
On July 31, 2020, the fifth Scientific Online Lecture of the IPANEMA project was held. The lecture with the title “Microfluidics in tissue engineering” has been given by Prof. Dr Gordana Vunjak-Novaković, from Columbia University. The lecture nicely described the basic principles of organs-on-a-chip, as well as possible microfluidics solutions in the IPANEMA project.
On October 5, 2020, the sixth Scientific Online Lecture of the IPANEMA project was organized. The lecture has been given by Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Abudlhalim from the PhotonicSys. Through this lecture, IPANEMA researchers were able to learn more about using Smart Phones as a tool for miniaturization.
On December 28, 2020, we organized the first 1st IPANEMA Invited Scientific Online Lecture. The lecture was held by Mladen Petreš, from the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Novi Sad. Through this lecture, our researchers had a chance to learn more about the detection of gene function - bioinformatics and molecular methods.
On April 28, 2021, the 7th Scientific online lecture (SOL7) of the IPANEMA project was organized. The lecture with the title “Flexdym Polymer for Biotech Applications & Device Commercialization” has been given by Roberta Menezes from Eden Tech.
Jun 21 2021
We organized the 2nd IPANEMA Invited Scientific Online Lecture on Extracellular Vesicles - Basics and Analysis. The lecture has been given by Dr. Maja Kosanovic from the Institute for Application of Nuclear Energy, University of Belgrade.
Dec 9 2021
December 9th was reserved for another IPANEMA Scientific Online Lecture (SOL8)!
The lecture was about "Fiber-optics immunosensors and genosensors", and it was given by Robert S. Marks - Professor and Department Chair, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. Through this lecture, our researchers had a chance to learn more about the functionalization of fiber-optics surfaces and the advantages of fiber-optics in biosensors development.
March 30 2022
March 30th, 2022 was the day for the 3rd IPANEMA SOL.
We had an opportunity to learn from Dr. Petr Nikitin from the Prokhorov General Physics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (GPI RAS). Through this lecture, our team members were able to hear something new about new opportunities for biosensing, medical diagnostics, and nanobiotechnology based on ultrasensitive optical and magnetic measurements.
On February 09, 2023, one more invited IPANEMA Scientific Online Lecture (ISOL4) was organized. The lecturer was Dr. Arben Merkoçi from ICREA & ICN2, Barcelona, Spain. Through this lecture, our researchers were able to improve their knowledge of the importance of using nanotechnology in biosensor development, as well as the importance of sensors in the modern world.