Regular procedure for secondment organization

The following guidelines should be followed when preparing Secondment implementation in accordance to the Project’s Secondment plan as defined in the IPANEMA grant agreement:
  1. Sending organization makes the first draft of the Secondment plan, at least 45 days prior to the Secondment
  2. Sending and hosting organizations discuss together and jointly define the specific secondment plan
  3. Sending and hosting organizations inform the coordinator in writing about the jointly agreed specific secondment plan, at least 30 days prior to the Secondment
  4. In case there is a need for additional financial means to cover the costs in relation to the secondment, the two concerned Parties will make a separate agreement between them specifying the exact funds to be transferred
  5. Sending organization makes the Secondment report, at least 15 days after the end of the Secondment
  6. A ‘researcher declaration’ of each seconded staff member must be submitted to the project portal within 20 days after the secondment.